
Q & A and Basics of Search Engine Optimization for Business


What is Search engine optimization SEO? Why does your business need SEO activity?  You will get all those questions when you hear search engine optimization SEO for the first time. SEO is one form of digital marketing your website in an organic ( no paid ) manner. Don’t worry, we are there to guide you. Read the blog Q & A and Basics of Search Engine Optimization for Business to get more insights on search engine optimisation.

Before SEO and digital marketing, brands were limited by what they could determine from broad market research and some behavioral analysis of their organization.

Q & A and Basics of Search Engine Optimization for Business

SEO – Optimizing websites to appear on the first page of search engine results is called search engine optimization. 

 So, What is a Search Engine? 

According to an online dictionary, 

Search Engine is a program that searches for and identifies items in a database that correspond to keywords or characters specified by the user, used especially for finding particular sites on the World Wide Web based on algorithms. 

Example for search engines are:

  • Google
  • Bing
  • Yahoo
  • Baidu
  • DuckDuckGo
  • Yandex
  • Naver

Video search engines are

  • Youtube
  • Vimeo

Image search engines are

  • Google images
  • Yahoo images
  • Bing images etc

How do the results appear on search engine?  

Search engines have crawlers which crawl  the entire database with respect to related to keywords or search query given by users. Then indexes required data from the entire database. Next, crawlers retrieves based on factors and algorithm. Retrieved result appears on the search engines result page (SERP).

Search engine results page (SERP) that is the basics of Search Engine Optimization for Business explained with an example.

Today, everyone searches on search engines either to learn something or know something. You are searching for something on search engine,  like “ Online courses for Search engine optimization SEO” which is known as keyword. Search engines help us find what we are looking for based on search queries or keywords from the database which is crawling. Next, based on the crawled database indexing happens. Data related to “online courses for search engines optimization” appears on SERP. Set of relevant results appears on search engine search engine result page such as udemy, Coursera, Hubspot etc.

Why certain website shows on top certain website doesn’t?

It is important to bring our business as a solution to user’s search query related our business and industry. This is done with the help of search engine optimization techniques which is explained in later portion of the blog.
In simple words, how the website has been optimised to appear on search engine and what all needs to be done for ranking on 1st position in Search engine result page.


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What are the benefits of doing Search engine optimization SEO as a part of your digital marketing activities?

Website are optimized for search engines for the following  benefits:

  • Brand awareness
  • Organic Reach
  • Trust and credibility
  • Better user experience
  • More website traffic
  • More page views and less bounce rate
  • Business growth outside of geographic boundaries
  • More clicks and Conversion Rate Optimization
  • Better buying cycle
  • Providing value and solving audiences pain points
  • Locate your shop, office and address on map
  • Know about your business via job listing

Today, due to different elements appearing on search engines along with websites, few more elements needs to be optimised in order rank them on the first in the list. They are as follows:

  • Images
  • Maps ( Local seo – Location based SEO )
  • Video ( Video SEO )
  • Apps 
  • Q and A
  • Job listing
  • Knowledge graph – Google my business, Wikipedia 
  • Snippet & Structured data
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Search Engine Optimization
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Why should I know about search engine algorithms when doing SEO for business? 

Algorithm does the work for you by searching out Web pages that contain the keywords you used to search, then assigning a rank to each page based on several factors, including how many times the keywords appear on the page. Why and the how of search engine rankings.

List of 2019 algorithm updates

Latest algorithm update: Google Bert jan 2020 core update.

So, How to bring my business on top of the search page? Basic process doing of Search Engine Optimization for Business?

 Process of Search Engine Optimization SEO to rank on top of search engines

  • Competitor analysis
  • Website SEO Audit
  • Keyword research based on target location
  • Webmaster and Google Analytics, Tag  installation
  • On Page optimization
  • Off page optimization – Backlink creation
  • Image, Video, Map listing Job listing optimization
  • Data driven Optimization

What are the skills required to implement search engine optimization for my business?

  • Knowledge to handle wordpress, wix etc,. If the website is developed using wordpress, wix etc.
  • If the website is developed with a particular coding language then knowledge is must for on page seo work
  • Content writing for Onpage and Offpage seo
  • Creating backlinks
  • Analytics skills to analyse the website and optimise according to the data driven from website.


Are there any factors for ranking websites on search engines like google in search engine optimization seo process? 

Yes, Google has listed some 200  ranking factors. Following are main category involved in the ranking factors.

  • Domain Factors
  • Page-Level Factors
  • Site-Level Factors
  • Backlink Factors
  • User Interaction
  • Special Google Algorithm Rules
  • Brand Signals
  • On-Site Webspam Factors
  • Off-Site Webspam Factors

Here is the pdf and complete guide for 200 ranking factors : 200 google ranking factors

We hope this blog would have helped in bringing an overview on what, why and how SEO is important for your business. As you begin to understand the long-term importance of SEO for your organization, it should become easier to take those first steps towards digital success. The longer you invest in SEO, and the more intense your dedication, the easier it will be to see how the benefits you derive from this strategy easily pay for the effort you have put in.

If you’re interested in ramping up your SEO efforts or just getting started, contact us to schedule a chat today and learn SEO.


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